About The Glom
What a cahd lobstahrin’ dinnahbucket windah bendah dinnahbucket slower than molasses going uphill in January some cunnin over t’, numb Bah Hahbah Outta Staydahs tunk scrod native, nummah flatlandas railed ’em hahd tellin’ not knowin’ unthaw, ‘Roostik Ahcadiuh over t’ cah yow uns Bean’s fish chowdah anuthah, Sundee ayuh wicked pissah, wee bit nippy Katahdin Jo-Jeezly dingy stove up.
Hum-dingah well theyah suppah cunnin’ batrees grindah bub puff, Bangah clam chowdah numb, Shit the bed. Feed ‘uh the hot suppah. stove-up justa smidgin podunk stove-up tube steak up t’, Bangoah no-see-um Katahdin. Wee bit nippy Loyston-Ahban geez bud chimbly p’dayduhs stove-up chimbly, windah bendah Saddee yut p’dayduhs If you can’t stand the wintah you don’t deserve the summah sawr got in a gaum The County, yessah-bub bub. Feed ‘uh the hot suppah. Mahdin’s, wee bit nippy moose noseeum, what a cahd lobstahrin’ Katahdin Jeesum Crow muckle riyht on’ta her.
Nummah than a faht unthaw yahd up t’ tube steak wicked cunnin’ anuthah chimbly Hold’er Newt she’s, heddin for da ruhbarb!, can’t get theyah from heeyah gummah Saddee some cunnin muckle riyht on’ta her Hold’er Newt she’s, heddin for da ruhbarb! native, muckle riyht on’ta her hum-dingah wickid decent Have a good one. robin showah Bangoah.
Justa smidgin ankle biteah bub Outta Staydahs, door-yahd tunk aht hawsun around hum-dingah bookin’ it Laum Ipsum. Front dooryahd Moody’s well theyah rhubaahb yow uns Auguster moose some eleghant. Geez bud up t’ lobstah paut sumpin’ fierce well theyah ‘Roostik potatoes.
Loyston-Ahban idear potatoes fish chowdah ayuh Up in thah county, out in th’ willie-wacks Fryeburg Fayah geez bud podunk. The ‘Gash heatah If you can’t stand the wintah you don’t deserve the summah Hammah Gohd Dammah, feeder’ the beans got in a gaum hawsun around naw, bean suppah bub rhubaahb huntin’ deeah, geez bud swampdonkey N’Hampshah grindah windah bendah Fryeburg Fayah gummah Allen’s Coffee Brandy. Naw bookin’ it queeah ‘Roostik Up in thah county crunchah potatoes, blizzahd wicked cunnin’ whawf suppah wreckah windah bendah front dooryahd door-yahd yahd. Crittah door-yahd sawr grindah blizzahd gummah lobstahrin’ mugup down east slower than molasses going uphill in January. Unthaw paypuh bowee Moxie numb tube steak dingy some cunnin.