Body composition and bone density data from SM x NZB and NZB x RF mouse intercross populations
The SM x NZB intercross population of 260 female and 253 male mice was raised on an atherogenic diet for 16 wk starting at 8 wk of age. At 24 wk we obtained total body weight and weights of the inguinal, gonadal, peritoneal, and mesenteric fat pads. Lean body weight was computed by subtracting the total of the fat pad weights from the body weight. In the analyses all traits were square-root transformed to obtain the best linear relationships. Additional information on husbandry, phenotyping, and genotyping of this cross can be found in Stylianou et al. 2006.
The NZB x RF intercross population consists of 661 female mice raised on standard (4% fat) diet. At 10 wk of age, femurs were isolated and their geometric properties were determined by peripheral quantitative computed tomography. We considered body weight and two bone geometry traits, femur length and the periosteal circumference of the femur (PCIR). All traits were log transformed to obtain the best linear relationships. Additional information on this cross can be found in Wergedal et al. 2006.
Measurements of body weight and four different fat pad weights
Bone mineral density and bone geometry measurements
Li R, Tsaih SW, Shockley K, Stylianou IM, Wergedal J, Paigen B, Churchill GA
PLoS Genet. 2006 Jul;2(7):e114 [ Full Text ] PMCID: PMC1513264