Mouse Diversity Genotyping Array - CEL Files
We hybridized 351 mouse DNA samples on the Mouse Diversity Genotyping Array. This sample set included classical inbred strains, wild-derived strains with varying degrees of inbreeding, consomic strains, recombinant inbred strains, samples from early generations of the Collaborative Cross, F1 hybrids created by crossing classical and/or wild-derived strains and wild mice.
All CEL files
To download All CEL files use this link: NEED TO DOWNLOAD TO FINAL LOCATION (11 GB)
Didion JP, Yang H, Sheppard K, Fu CP, McMillan L, Pardo-Manuel de Villena F, Churchill GA BMC Genomics. 2012 Jan 19;13(1):34
[ Full Text ]
PMCID: PMC3305361
[ software: MouseDivGeno ] bad link – access denied
[ data: Annotation ]