Eight-strain diallel from establishment of Collaborative Cross - Blood composition, blood pressure, plasma chemistries, electrocardiography, densiometry and body composition
The classic diallel takes a set of parents and produces offspring from all possible mating pairs. Phenotype values among the offspring can then be related back to their respective parentage. When the parents are diploid, sexed, and inbred, the diallel can characterize aggregate effects of genetic background on a phenotype, revealing effects of strain dosage, heterosis, parent of origin, epistasis, and sex-specific versions thereof. We present a data set of 48 phenotypes collected from an incomplete eight-strain diallel that arose serendipitously from the establishment of the Collaborative Cross (Churchill et al. 2004; Chesler et al. 2008; Collaborative Cross Consortium 2012).
We collected data on multiple phenotypes in a diallel of eight inbred mouse strains (abbreviated names in parentheses), A/J (AJ), C57BL/6J (B6), 129S1/SvImJ (129), NOD/LtJ (NOD), NZO/H1LtJ (NZO), CAST/EiJ (CAST), PWK/PhJ (PWK), and WSB/EiJ (WSB), which are the founder strains of the Collaborative Cross.
Phenotypes – Blood composition (ADVIA)
- White blood cells – Percentage basophil (BASO), Eosinophil (EOS), Large unstained cell (LUC), lymphocyte (LYM), Monocyte (MONO), Neutrophil (NEUT), Reticulocyte (Retic); White blood cell count (WBC)
- Hemoglobin – Red cell hemoglobin concentration mean (CHCM); Calculated hemoglobin (cHGB); Hemoglobin concentration distribution width (HDW); Mean cell hemoglobin content (MCH); Mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC); Measured hemoglobin (mHGB)
- Hematocrit (HCT)
- Mean cell volume (MCV)
- Mean platelet volume (MPV); Platelet count (PLT)
- Red blood cells – Red blood cell count (RBC); Red blood cell distribution width (RDW);
- AdviaData.csv
- AllAdviaData.csv
Phenotypes – Blood pressure (BP)
- Pulse rate (PulseMean)
- Systolic blood pressure (SystolicMean)
- AllBPData.csv
Phenotypes – Plasma chemistries (CHEM)
- Total cholesterol (CHOL)
- Glucose (GLU)
- HDL Cholesterol (as HDLD) (HDL)
- Triglycerides (TG)
- ChemData.csv
- AllChemData.csv
- AllChemReformatData.csv
Phenotypes – Electrocardiography (EKG)
- Coefficient of variance (CV)
- Heart rate (HR); Heart rate variability (HRV)
- Mean R amplitude (Rampl); Mean SR amplitude (SRAmpl)
- PQ interval (PQ);
- QT interval (QT); Difference between smallest and largest QT interval (QTD); Rate corrected QT interval (QTC); Rate corrected QT dispersion (QTCD)
- Interval between peak of P-wave and R-wave (PR); Interval between start and end of QRS complex (QRS)
- R to R interval (RR)
- AllEKGData.csv
Phenotypes – Densitometry via dual-energy X-ray absorptimetry (DEXA) and Body composition (COMP)
- Bone area S (B.Area)
- Bone mineral content (BMC); Bone mineral density (BMD)
- Lean tissue mass (LTM)
- R-value of soft tissue (RST)
- Total tissue mass (TTM)
- Mouse lenght, nose to anus (MLNA)
- Mouse weight (Weight)
- Percentage Fat (PctFat)
- PiximusData.txt
- AllPiximusData.csv
- OnlyWeightData.csv
Lenarcic AB, Svenson KL, Churchill GA, Valdar W
Genetics. 2012 Feb;190(2):413-35 [ Full Text ] PMCID: PMC3276624 [ software ]